Yarns by

Searching for a specific brand of yarn? Browse through our yarn collection sorted by manufacturer.

Browse Yarns by Brand

Yarns by
Fiber Content

Searching for a yarn with just the right feel? Browse through our yarn collection grouped by fiber content.

Browse Yarns by Fiber Content

Yarns by

Searching for the right size or weight of yarn? Browse through our collection of yarn, from lace to bulky.

Browse Yarns by Weight/Gauge

Sock Yarns

Check out our collection of premiere sock yarns. From CoBaSi by HiKoo® to Zauberball® by Schoppel and many more! Look who's socking now!

Browse Sock Yarns

Yarns Alphanumerically

Here is a handy, fast-loading, and compact list of all our available yarns, sorted alphanumerically for quick and easy navigation.

All Yarns Alphanumerically

At skacel we are dedicated to bringing the finest yarns from around the world straight to your local yarn store.